30 March 2011


i feel as though i am just floating along on the river of time with no control on the course.

21 March 2011


I do not believe there is enough credit given to the diversity of beauty that each woman's body possesses.

20 March 2011

working outside

I think that in order to be productive outside: there needs to be two consecutive days of sunshine to have funshine and workshine.

18 March 2011


Today was a day of massive reflection and assessment which are the most fruitful with the people who know you the best.

16 March 2011

on being calm

setting the pace of your day really starts with how you wake up

08 March 2011

your head

the walls of your mind are finite but your thoughts are not.

04 March 2011


today i really enjoyed how i spent a good portion of my day talking about many complex mathematical concepts.

02 March 2011


sunshine and 7 what a great way to wake up